
‘Putin’s supporters need psychological help’

Fonseca: ‘Putin’s supporters need psychological help’

Former Roma coach Paulo Fonseca says Vladimir Putin ‘must be stopped’ and describes his journey to leave Ukraine after Russia’s invasion.

The Portuguese tactician was in Kyiv when Putin’s troops launched their attack on Ukraine at the end of February. Fonseca joined Shakhtar Donetsk’s players and coach Roberto De Zerbi in a hotel in the capital, hiding in a bunker, before returning to Portugal with his daughters and wife, Katerina Ostroushko, who is from Ukraine.

“It was a nightmare. It was February 24 and we were supposed to leave at 10 in the morning for Portugal. At 4.30 we heard the first explosions,” the coach told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

“We were frightened. My friend [Darjo] Srna invited me to the Hotel Opera where the Shakhtar team was. We hid in a bunker, De Zerbi was also there. The children slept in bedrolls. My embassy organised a mini-fan for three families and we left for Moldova. It was a terrible journey, 30 hours no stop, with 5 km queues and the fighters flying over our heads.

“I only relaxed a little when we arrived in Romania. My wife still cries because we have friends and family in the country. Now, through the Portuguese federation, we are trying to welcome some of the war refugees. It’s a small part compared to the 2 million people fleeing the country.

“I am not a politician, but I am favourable to the no-fly zone. It’s true, they [Russia] have the atomic bomb, but we’re letting Putin become too strong, he feels the fear of the international community,” the coach continued.

“But he must be stopped now, or then it will be more difficult to do it later. The worst is yet to come. Nuclear plants are also an issue, we know what could happen with this man. He is the main responsible. Whoever supports him would need psychological help.”

When asked if Ukraine should surrender, he replied: “It’s easy to say it from far away. What if Italy or Portugal were invaded? Wouldn’t we fight? Nothing is more precious than freedom now many countries have fear. Georgia, Moldavia, Poland. If Putin wins this war, it’s a big problem for the whole world.

“I want to thank the many Roma fans who wrote to me during those days as well as the players and the Friedkins.”

Did Mourinho call him too?

“No, he didn’t.”


Written by jucebo

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