
Serie A Liveblog: Torino-Cagliari, Verona-Venezia, Spezia-Roma, Lazio-Napoli

Serie A Liveblog: Torino-Cagliari, Verona-Venezia, Spezia-Roma, Lazio-Napoli

Join us for all the build-up and action as it happens from today’s four Serie A games, as Torino host struggling Cagliari, there’s the VeronaVenezia derby, Roma visit Spezia and a massive LazioNapoli showdown.

All the matches are kicking off five minutes late and with a message read out to call for peace in Ukraine.

The lunchtime fixture therefore kicks off at 11.35 GMT with Andrea Belotti’s Torino hosting a Cagliari side still stuck in the drop zone.

You can keep track of the Torino vs. Cagliari stats with the Match Centre.

At 14.05 GMT, there’s what ought to be an entertaining Veneto derby between Hellas Verona and Venezia, who played an incredible seven-goal thriller in December. The Lagunari were 3-0 up at half-time and yet lost 4-3.

You can follow the details of Verona vs. Venezia on the Match Centre.

At 17.05 GMT, Jose Mourinho tries to get Roma back on track after three consecutive stalemates, but it’s a tricky trip to Thiago Motta’s unpredictable Spezia.

Keep track of the Spezia vs. Roma statistics on the Match Centre.

The evening rounds off in style at the Stadio Olimpico at 19.50 GMT, as Maurizio Sarri faces his old club and Champions League-chasing Lazio stand in the way of Napoli catching leaders Milan.

Both sides crashed out of Europe on Thursday and will be eager to make up for it.

You can follow the statistics from Lazio vs. Napoli on the Match Centre.

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Written by jucebo

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